Scott's : Hot Trends

8:55 PM

Current News for May 01, 2008

Climate Change Chokes Oceans

Thu, 01 May 2008 11:07:26 PDT
Rising temperatures have caused oxygen-starved swaths of ocean to expand over the last half-century -- a disturbing trend that, if it continues, could wreak havoc on global fisheries.

Vincent Ultrasound Update

Thu, 01 May 2008 17:16:37 PDT
(That's baby Vincent, the day I brought him home—Atlanta, GA, 1998 with my friend Ali—he was so tiny!) This afternoon the doctor called with the ultrasound results for Vincent. First he asked how Vincent was doing and I told him he was barely eating the day before even though he was up and about and interested in the concept of food. I told him I wasn't able to find Vincent's favorite food (Wellness Health Indulgences pouches) so I got some other pouches that he didn't seem to like. The only


Broadcaster, Canada - Apr 29, 2008
Mr. Stursberg oversees all aspects of CBC's English language services, which includes, among other things, the main network (CBC), Newsworld (a 24-hour all ...
CBC/Radio-Canada calls for action on blueprint for public broadcasting Canada NewsWire (press release)
all 2 news articles

What exactly did Al Gore do to earn a Nobel Peace Prize

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:51:39 PDT
Months ago while sitting in a restaurant next to two gentleman having a conversation about Al Gore and how great he was this and that I asked a very simple question that led to rage. Now keep in mind I had spoken with one of these people earlier in the evening. That person is friendly with a waiter we know. Granted with the pompous attitude he had then I should have known what his reaction would be when I asked my question. And yes I was eavesdropping a bit. These two gentleman had also put awa

Economy:News of America's Economic Death Greatly Exaggerated

Thu, 01 May 2008 16:49:44 PDT
Is America's economy in decline? Chicagodudewhotrades examines the issue and puts recent news of America's economic death into perspective.

Public: Don't Mess With My Flight Plans

Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:58:25 PDT
"Pretty soon we'll have to fly naked!" The mass media rapidly embraced the UK terror storyline fed to them. The BBC, CNN, CBC Newsworld and other all-news broadcasters covered scarcely anything but the narrowly averted catastrophe throughout the day. Funny thing, but the general public wasn't buying it. The reaction was surprisingly cynical...

Economy:News of America's Economic Death Greatly Exaggerated

Thu, 01 May 2008 16:49:44 PDT
Is America's economy in decline? Chicagodudewhotrades examines the issue and puts recent news of America's economic death into perspective.

Germany uses Ponzi schemes to support older Ponzi schemes

Thu, 01 May 2008 10:58:00 PDT
The falloff of birthrates among Europeans has been one of the most compelling demographic trends of the last few decades. For various reasons, countries like Germany have fallen far below the replacement rate in fertility, and that portends disaster for the socialist states that rely on new workers to provide for retirees.

The Elephant

Thu, 01 May 2008 17:18:01 PDT
There’s a lot going on ‘behind the scenes’ here that I haven’t been talking about.. I was hoping to have good news to share along with the bad news but that post isn’t happening right this minute and I need to get this damned elephant out of the room so that I can speak freely again. I’ve been avoiding talking about “the bad news” because I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I still don’t (other than it sucks)… but it impacts my life both online and reality as well as affecting both the shop &

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5:50 AM

May 01, 2008 Hot Trends

Link Grounds - Buy a word and redefine it to your website!

Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:35:34 PDT
Link Grounds is a new web 2.0 link directory where you can buy daily latest google trend keywords for your darling, family and pets.

Keeping Your Customers through Loyalty Marketing

Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:09:21 PDT
What exactly is the best-kept secret behind incredibly successful businesses? Is it keeping up with the trends? Having an excellence workforce who will make sure that your company is working in tip top shape? Or is having a loyal client base who will not only keep on going back to you whenever they need your products or services but they...

What exactly did Al Gore do to earn a Nobel Peace Prize

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:51:39 PDT
Months ago while sitting in a restaurant next to two gentleman having a conversation about Al Gore and how great he was this and that I asked a very simple question that led to rage. Now keep in mind I had spoken with one of these people earlier in the evening. That person is friendly with a waiter we know. Granted with the pompous attitude he had then I should have known what his reaction would be when I asked my question. And yes I was eavesdropping a bit. These two gentleman had also put awa

42 Design/Tech Magazines To Read

Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:36:28 PDT
Regardless of what it is that you’re selling, in order to remain competitive, you have to know exactly, what’s going on in the field you’re working in. More than that - actually, you have to know what happens next, which trends are coming up and which technologies will become big in the future.

Excellent Resource on Electric And Hybrid Cars

Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:38:11 PDT
We all know that something needs to be done about the state of our environment. After all, if we continue the trend that we have started of polluting and damaging the world around us, it may not be able to continue to provide us with the healthy elements we require for a healthy life.

TELUS Mobility launches TELUS mobile TV on its national 1X network

Fri, 26 Aug 2005 10:35:45 PDT
TELUS mobile TV is powered by MobiTV, the world's first network and platform providing live television on wireless phones. clients watch live, real-time programming on seven channels: CBC Newsworld, Fox News, G4 Tech TV, Le Reseau de l'information (RDI), MeteoMedia, The Shopping Channel and The Weather Network.

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